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In the news

Why anxiety is taking over? Before we get into the science of how CBD can help with anxiety, it’s important to unpack some of the facts around anxiety. At its essence, anxiety isn’t a bad thing. We, as humans, have a stress response that is designed to keep us safe. Often called the ‘fight or…


CBD Oil for Anxiety – Does it work?

For many women struggling with symptoms of menopause, traditional medical interventions are not effective at resolving the symptoms and, in some cases, can even make them worse. And it’s because of this that more women are looking for alternative ways to treat menopause naturally. But it’s not all doom and gloom, there’s good news on…


CBD and Menopause – Can it really help?

An Introduction to the Endocannabinoid System Unless you’ve been self-isolating for a few years without internet, you’ve probably heard all about CBD and how it can be used as a natural alternative for treating a wide range of symptoms. It is everywhere, from high street stores to online shops, and it’s available in almost every…


The benefits of a daily dose of CBD